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Fast Company - This $1,995 home fitness device crams a gym’s worth of equipment into the space of a bookshelf
Undocumented commands found in Bluetooth chip used by a billion devices
TechCrunch - Are your noise-canceling headphones messing with your head?
The ATLANTIC - Three Ways to Become a Deeper Thinker
WSJ- How Trump’s Tariffs on China Changed U.S. Trade, in Charts
the economist - The world’s most innovative country
The economist - AI and globalisation are shaking up software developers’ world
WSJ - Apple Watch Is Becoming Doctors’ Favorite Medical Device
WSJ - AI Doesn’t Kill Jobs? Tell That to Freelancers
WSJ - What Americans Get Wrong About Electric Cars
WSJ - Touch Screens Are Over. Even Apple Is Bringing Back Buttons.
ARSTECHNICA - Linux boots in 4.76 days on the Intel 4004
CANARY MEDIA - California’s backlogged grid is holding up its electric truck dreams
Amp has officially landed in Miami
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